Friday, May 14, 2004

Would a cow eat it's own cheese?

Would a cow eat it's own cheese? Seriously though, I mean a cow when born drinks it's mothers milk. So would a cow eat it's own cheese created from its own milk. I ponder this much more often the I should probably. Would a cow willingly eat the cheese, and what would it think about it's own cheese? If it tasted delicious would the cow develop a superiority complex and claim that they make the best dang cheese out there? Would it brag to all the other cows all like...."Hey Frank, have you tried that cheese?...Oh you have huh?'s delicious?...Wow you don't say...Well Guess what Frank, That's ALL me that my cheese mo'freaky, I'm the cheese master!...You can't come close to making the prime grade A cheese like me!" Well maybe a cow wouldn't go into such depth, but still you never know. On the flip side however, what if a cow tasted it's own cheese and well, didn't like it at all. Imagine that conversation..."Oh man, this is horrible, who created this putrid contraption?....Me?...No, i didn't make really I couldn't have made's made from my milk....are you kidding me? Oh man what's wrong with my milk?....does it really smell that bad?....why didn't some one tell me..WHY!!!!" I mean that poor cow, it would have no self confidence anymore, probably end up walkin into McDonalds with a knife to it's belly. I'll tell you what though, I like cheese, I really do, So listen cows, in my book your A O.K. keep producing that sweet milk that goes into that tasty cheese.. MMM MMM Good.


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