Saturday, February 26, 2005


A very laid back friday night show. We abandon the usual format and just kind of say hey to everyone and catch up on some feedback. We also have the second installment of "What If?" with the Dawg. We then talk about the "shotgun fart". we go out on a song called "Softly" by 5th Floor (a recording project of listener Tim D). Thanks for everything you lovely people in listener land

(Too lazy for shownotes, just download the show and listen)

Friday, February 25, 2005

some map issues

hey gang, just want to let everybody know I am having some database issues with the listener tracking map. I'll try and iron out the problems this weekend. I also want to apologize if upon trying to download the 2-23 podcast you...well...couldn't. I have the problem fixed, the problem was that my link to the mp3 file on blogger wasn't read as a link to a music file, but only a link. As long as the link title isn't exclusively named say... 2-13-2005PonderplacePodcast.mp3...Well once I removed the .mp3 the aggregator was able to see the file to download. Thanks to Chris F for pointing out the problem to me. Appreciate it. New show soon. Keep that feedback comming, we love it.

Wednesday, February 23, 2005


Fun show tonight! We read some feedback and shout outs. We look through some Arkansas local newspapers, cuss and discuss happenings, and ponder and rant about the many aspects of Walmart. We also announce a great new Listener Map where you can mark you location on a world map! Click on the "Show us where you are in the world" link on the right to help us out!

shownotes (html)

Tuesday, February 22, 2005

2-21-2005PonderplacePodcast.mp3 Part 2!

Tonight is a packed episode with small town news stories, the winner of our win a t-shirt contest is announced, we take a stop around the globe at Mechanicsburg, PA, and we crown the king of the meats in a can. Peaks are a bit too high unfortunately, but try to make the best of it. Thanks so much for listening and don't forget about our Photoblog! Have fun and enjoy.

Shownotes (html)

Monday, February 21, 2005

2-21-2005PonderplacePodcast.mp3 Part 1!

The first part of tonight's podcast is just travis first off telling everyone of the change in RSS feeds from now on. The Ponderplace Podcast's new RSS feed is:

Be sure to grab any of the January Ponderplace Podcasts SOON! Because they'll soon be comming down off the server. Hurry, act now!

Travis then takes you on a cooking adventure in the kitchen. Enjoy!

no shownotes.

Sunday, February 20, 2005


Sunday night show. We announce a ponderplace photoblog, debut the "What if" segment with the Dawg, here a commercial from and we rant a bit on ladders. Enjoy.

Shownotes (html)

Saturday, February 19, 2005

java on monitor

java on monitor
Originally uploaded by travishoffman.
Daytona 500 weekend baby! Thought I'd take a quick second to show the third member of the studio crew. It's Java! She's usually pretty quiet during the podcasts, but occasionally you'll here a meow or her collar jingling. Everyone have a great weekend.


An exciting friday night show. Lots of fun news, stories, and rants about cars and driving. also a song by this fellow named travis odd. Enjoy and enter the contest in the shownotes!


Thursday, February 17, 2005

oops! on the 2-16 podcast

Originally uploaded by travishoffman.
it was brought to my attention that the little sound clips i play to intro various parts of the show as well as soundchecks weren't audible. My bad. Just in case your a new listener, we're aware of the the bit of dead air and we'll make sure it doesn't happen again! Thanks Mike C for mentioning it.
Catch you all soon.

Podcast 411 interview is up for download!

The interview we did with Podcast 411 is now up on www.podcast411. com and ready for download. Go check it out and see what we have to say! Thanks again for having us on Rob.


Wednesday, February 16, 2005


Back to our old odd selves. With the exception of Travis with his head cold. We talk news, odd topic, talk about listener comments. plug our contest (see shownotes), rant about salt and pepper shakers, and play a song by The Funions. Enjoy!


Tuesday, February 15, 2005

2-15-2005 PonderplacePodcast.mp3

Off night tonight. It's just Travis in the studio with a massive headcold. So instead of a typical podcast, Travis says a few words and plays two recorded interview segments, one with St. Dan and one with Travis' mom Karen. Keep those entries for the contest comming kids. Also a shoutout to our buddies at the audio collective. A great podcast you should check out. Catch you soon with a regular format podcast!

no shownotes tonight.

Monday, February 14, 2005

Happy Valentines Day

No show tonight. We've started to get some feedback on the contest we're holding for the ponderplace shirt. Check out Feb.13th shownotes for details! Thanks everyone for dropping us a line. We at the Ponderplace hope that everyone has a wonderful Valentine's day and is able to be with that someone special in their life. And for all those who don't have someone special. Porn and pizza baby!!!! Just kidding....kinda.....right....uhmmm... Probably a show tommorow! Thanks.


Sunday, February 13, 2005

2-13-2005PonderplacePodcast mp3

We're back from a little break. We got some fun news, information on an exciting contest for ponderplace listeners, we rant about the size of soda servings and we play a song by Anne Davis.

Shownotes (html)

Thursday, February 10, 2005

2-10-05 Ponderplace Podcast

Pretty slow show tonight. We have some news, i mention some new possible show segments, then I bomb the ponderplace report about coffee and tea. We also have a song by Circe Link.

Shownotes (html)

Wednesday, February 09, 2005

Thought The Ponderplace crew would say hey face to face

Here's our bright and smiley faces saying hello to all our lovely listeners. Thanks so much for tuning in. We have alot more great content comming soon. Drop us a line and say hello!

Taking the night off

Well, we figured that we worked just way to hard by tossing two podcasts up in one evening, so we're taking a bit of R&R tonight. I've been chatting with Robert at Podcast 411 and it looks like the ponderplace will be featured on the podcast in the near future, hopfully we can record the interview sometime this weekend...most likely friday. Well keep any comments comming. We'll be back tommorow with another stimulating Ponderplace Podcast. Chow for now.

2-8-05 Ponderplace Podcast (additional regular format) we did end up doing a regular podcast tonight as well. And boy we're sleepy...which of course means we rant more and talk even more incoherently then before. it's a good time kids, news, tech, and just why toilet paper is trying to take the high, as well as a song by Girfriend Copenhagen all on this edition of The Ponderplace Podcast!

Shownotes (html)

Tuesday, February 08, 2005

Special Irregular Format of the Ponderplace

Tonight I step away from the normal format. I review getting my promo on the Daily Source code as well as playing the promo. Then we hear a conversation between St. Dan and Myself to discover exactly who St. Dan is, as well as the kind of stuff he'll have to offer on future segments on the normal format of the Ponderplace. Enjoy it and welcome to any new subscribers.

No shownotes today

2-7-05 Ponderplace Podcast

Good early morning. We're back from a weekend of work and rest, back to fullfill all the podcast lust your little heart desires. Tonight we have el newso, a quick soundseeing tour of a flee market in Quincy, IL. A rant about the dangers of blowing your nose while driving, an improved spiritual hymn. and last but not least a great song by Joe Whyte. Eat it up yo.


Thursday, February 03, 2005

Weekend vacation....kind of

Hey ponderplace listeners, unfortuneately April and I have finally had lack of sleep catch up with us, and neither of us were up to a podcast tonight. I'm going to be in quincy, IL over the weekend, and will probably do some recordings next week should be a big week of multiple podcasts a day. I have St.Dan's first segment in the can, as well as a soundseeing cooking segment of my own incarnation, and will soon have a soundseeing tour of the local landmarks of quincy illinois. Stay tunes, the content WILL be worth the wait. Thanks

Wednesday, February 02, 2005

2-2-2005 Ponderplace Podcast

Fun stuff tonight kids. We have news odd enough for you, a little jab at Bill Gates from his peeps, and we take a deep dirty look into the wild and provocative world of dog toys. We also hear a song "Back Home" from a great folk rock band called Syd. Enjoy!

Shownotes (html)

Tuesday, February 01, 2005


January has come and gone and now we're looking at month number two. On today's show we have some prerecorded news, take a look into apple's tech news and a bit of more fun. Then I go deep into the ponderplace and get to the bottom of why there are camouflage lighters...and is there any practical reason for them...nicotine lollipos...licotine.... Then we hear a great song "Cowboys in the Movies" by The Boxer Program check it out!


Hey kiddos. Kind of a slow show. We got some news covering Michael Jackson, Spongebob, a little bit of tech news, and then we take an in depth look at strange signs and the strange locations we find them in. Send them emails to