Friday, July 29, 2005


Hey guys and gals. On this episode of the ponderplace podcast we feature everybody's favorite crazy news from april, a suprise history quiz to Dave of the audio collective, a ponderplace report on parking lots, several great segments from ponderplace ben currenty in Austria, as well as a brand new phrase of the week by April....don't make me can my wallet! It's definately not "so trashbag" Come on in! Thanks for listening and subscribing! Why not tell a friend?

Thursday, July 21, 2005


A special ponderplace tonight where we feature a simulcast with Darcy and Holly of The Darcy and Holly Show. We talk about confusing Macintosh and McDonalds...cell phone issues...blindness...audibooks...embarrasing kid stories...and last but certainly not least..the great what would happen if you accidentilly cut your nipple off debate. Good people good times and good fun. Excuse the different in audio quality I had to sacrifice the sounds this time around to drop down the prescence of a buzz. I've recently rearranged the studio so there's some bugs I'm currently working out with the big issues. Don't forget to submit your entries for the Put lyrics to April's theme song for a reality television show. The Mp3 file is HERE. Thanks everybody for subscribing and being so gosh darn super fun cool.


A special ponderplace where we chat with Ponderplace Ben who is currently studying abroad in Austria. Lot's of interesting comparisons with austria and the U.S. as well as strange and fun conversation...come on in the water's fine.

Also don't forget to go participate in the "Attack of the Blog" where we see how many entries we can get on a random blog without the author knowing why. It's not really an attack but just a fun little thingy. Go and leave a genuine comment on the july 15th entry entitled Legacy right here.

Tommorow we will have our side of the Darcy and Holly show simulcast we did several days ago. There's a bit of an audio buzz due to ghosts in the machines...i've minimized it dramatically however.

Thanks for subscribing and being so ponderific!

Sunday, July 17, 2005


Fun stuff tonight guys and gals. We catch up on some overdue news, discuss the ongoing controvery with crazy eighties lady, introduce a put lyrics to april's theme song contest...the mp3 file discussed can be found here (windows users right click on link and save target as...mac users right click or cntrl click and save link as). We introduce the next candidate for the attack of the here. We also introduce April's catch phrase of the week, a new invented phrase we invite you to put to use in everyday conversation. Travis goes into a ponderplace report about modern day phrases introduced by Snoop Dogg. Fun stuff kids, thanks for subscribing. We love ya all....sometimes even in the biblical sense...ok maybe not. See ya real soon.

Thursday, July 07, 2005


We take you to Quincy IL to visit the Deer Park at the Illinois Veteran's Home. Special guests include Heather and Karen....travis' sister and mom. We talk turkey, see some sights and april gets scared by a goat. ALL on the Ponderplace Podcast. Enjoy!

Monday, July 04, 2005


This isn't a normal podcast. Travis sits outside during a storm smoking his pipe and discusses the current state of podcasting from his own perspective. Very non format. Just a little peek into how Travis sees the current state of the podcast media.

Saturday, July 02, 2005


Hey it's an action packed show where you get to hear our adventures on the way to oklahoma, as well as a quick trip to the grocery store. The audio is about four weeks old..but beter late then never right??? Hope so. Thanks alot and we'll catch you real soon!