Saturday, March 05, 2005

A little info

Hey everyone, Couple things of interest. As you all probably know Podcast Alley has changed the voting method once again. So we'd appreciate a vote their if you get a moment. We're holding steady around number 19 of all podcasts. As you may have noticed the voting link on this page is no long working due to the changes at podcast alley. There is also a new voting type website Pod Tower which does a similar voting thing. We'd appreciate any votes you could spare there as well. I have to admit though I think this voting craze is just way the hell out of control. I mean this whole competition is predominantly bad for podcasting I think. Trying to stay in the top whatever really leads itself to sophmoric behavior and grudges being developed among the podcasting community. I hope that the podcasting community can continue to band together to help facilitate the growth of Podcasting in General. I believe I have fixed the listener world map (link on the right column "show us where you are in the world") So please take a moment to post your world position yet again. I'd also like to remind everyone of the new 2 gmail invite giveaway contest we have going. All you have to do is submit a crazy photo be it via your camera phone or digital camera to our text america moblog. Submit the picture on your camera phone or via email by sending it to We'll let this contest go for a while so people can enter in at their own pace. Good luck. Thanks so much to everyone for listening and for all the support. Remember you're not just listeners, you're all friends!



Blogger Unknown said...

Yeah, Podcast alley changed from a rated daily vote to a monthly affirmation type vote. It will be interesting to see how this affects the listings, and if a certain podcast that encourages cheating will stay on top.

7:15 PM  

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