Wednesday, April 27, 2005


It's a podcast from the kitchen tonight. That's right April and I are making some fajitas and doing the show on the spot. We announce a new show idea..."Attack the blog" as well as cover some new things to us and begin talking of ponderplace merchandising....should be pretty sweet! Come and check it out. Now!

Sunday, April 24, 2005


Here's the simulcast/skypathon with The Ponderplace and The Audio Collective. Along with the A.C. crew we have Ponderplace Ben in the studio with us and listener Phil on the Skype line. It's a great gathering of the minds with many odd and thought provoling subjects. Do check it out..won't you?


April and Travis visit Grant's Farm a Saint Louis Wildlife area..very Zooesque. It's owned by The Busch family here in St. Louis. It was like forty degrees..very cold, but we managed to have a good fun time. Not only did we do soundseeing but we also took pictures and sent them to my flickr acount so go HERE to see pics of the fun! Enjoy.

Comming soon to the ponderplace is the audio from the second skypathon where the ponderplace and audio collective join forces to do a simulcast. In the ponderplace studio we have "Ponderplace Ben"...former "listener Ben". Look for that audio Sometime Monday evening or so. Some good times were had by all!! Don't want to miss that. Untill then however, enjoy the soundseeing tour of Grant's Farm.

Friday, April 22, 2005


Back with a fresh ponderplace. We do the news and catch up on alot of random topics, including april's favorite co-worker "crazy 80's lady", my weekend away, and we decipher what it means to be a "kiwi". Don't forget about this Saturday's Skypathon, it's going to be at 9p.m. central time. Enjoy the show.

Tuesday, April 19, 2005


Here's April's debut solo podcast which is a marathon of a skypathon. In total the podcast has been broken down into two 47 min. files. April is joined via skype conference by Listeners Dave and Rachel, David G, and A.J. Random topics and a very very very long game of 20 questions. Not alot of structure, but a heck of alot of fun, Enjoy them...IF YOU DARE!!!

skypathon part 1

skypathon part 2

We're going to try another skypathon on this Saturday April 23rd at 9:00pm (central time zone). Be looking for me this time with the skype contact as "travishoffman". That's right I'm gonna be in on the fun this time around. To try something new why doesn't anyone who wants to participate email me at and maybe we can set up some chat times...or a schedule of sorts, a little more structure would definately help! But hey, whatever!


Thursday, April 14, 2005


A back to back ponderplace podcast, pretty cool huh? Don't let our ambition raise your expectations too much though. Tonight we look at news...APRIL flips out over an incident with a co-worker, I talk about some random junk, we play a random Public Service Announcement, and then I wrap it all up with yet ANOTHER Sesame Street Related Ponderplace Report.

Don't forget....Saturday April the 16th 9:00pm (central time) April will be doing her own herself. Jump on skype now and get her skype approval..her name skype contact is "ponderplaceapril" Even though i'm going to miss won't want to. Should be VERY fun and exciting....I hear there might even be a french theme!! Enjoy!

Wednesday, April 13, 2005


Tonight it's kind of a "womany" show. April provides the news and a rant about small credit cards that go on your keychain. We also have a soundseeing/meet and greet with listener Ben in "Bare Essentials" where Ben helps April find the right makeup. Good times...Travis asks many questions about makeup and other topics unknown. A good time. We also have some french and mexican music. Quite a pod-stew if i say so myself. Enjoy, Hey give us some feedback you fantastic listeners. April and I are loney. Be sure to be ready for the saturday night (4/16) for Aprils skypeathon. She'll start taking calls at 9:00p.m. (central time). I'll be out of town so she'll be running the boards and taking your calls..exclusively!!!!! Be sure to be looking out for her, so get her skype approval, her contact is ponderplaceapril . It should be a good time! I might even call in from Macomb, IL where i'll be hanging with my alumn at Western Illinois University.


Saturday, April 09, 2005


We're not Dead yet! We just smell funny. Ok, we're back from a couple day hiatus and we got some good stuff , including fun news, some comments, some other stuff, the newest installment of "Of Mics and Men", and A pondeplace report all about Cookie monster possibly putting down the cookies and eating healthy. Check it out!

Sunday, April 03, 2005


Hey it's a Balcony cast tonight. April and I are enjoying the beautifull evening on the balcony, I'm having issues trying to smoke a pipe, so i resort to a cigar, april and i do a somewhat normal show with some random news, some listener feedback, we also have fun shooting the breeze and ranting about how Carlos Santana is a total hack. I also found a fun song about spam. Enjoy!

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