Friday, May 14, 2004

The story of the iced latte

Why is coffee so hot? I wish I knew. Out of all drinks to be made boiling hot why coffee. The most frequent coffee drinker is usually someone who is waking up early in the morning. Is it really an intelligent idea to give someone who is still drowsy flavored boiling water? I'm thinking no. I'll tell you who is a genious however, the person who thought about iced coffee. Brilliant,brilliant I say. You know what I bet happened somebody spilled their starbucks all over them and needed something bare with me here cause it's gonna get a little weird...then they happen to be at a ice slushi machine right...however, this machina hadn't yet flavored the crushed ice, so the person while freaking out about the scolding hot coffee grabs the ice dumps it all over them to soothe the burning sensation. And in a totally coincidental incident a truck carrying cool whip explodes two block over. So here we have the coffee soaked ice covered individual looking is shock as a giant glob of whip creme falls on top of the coffee, and crushed ice. In a moment of perfect clairvoiance the person slowly scoop up a small portion of this strange contraption onto their index finger in a moment of curiousity that would soon change the world. The person tasted the contraption. Two smacks of the lips later....BRILLIANT! It was delicious! Yeah, i'm guessing thats how it happened, I don't have a true account with witnesses...but it sure sounds like a cool story huh? And you know what the kicker was the person who discovered the caffineated deligh was named......Buck Star. Amazing huh?


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