Friday, May 14, 2004

Are deer chainsmokers?

What is the big need for camouflage lighters...they make them, but come on in all honesty if you hunt or need to be camouflaged alot, why would you have camo on the lighter, I mean when's the last time you heard a hunter talking about how he scared the animal away because of his non-camouflaged lighter. Plus, it would be quite hard to find the lighter if you dropped it...wrong I tell you camouflage is wrong for lighters. On a related note, WHY ARE YOU SMOKING WHEN YOU'RE HUNTING? I mean i'm not much of a hunter, but i always thought that people wanted to disguies the human scent. I mean hunters practically bathe in deer urine to get that lovely deer scent that for some unknown reason Calvin Kleine passed up. Then again, maybe deer are heavy smokers in during hunting season. I mean come on, if anybody ever needed a reason to be stressed, I imagine all kinds of people hiding in trees bathing in your urine to hide from you..all while trying to snipe you butt would be a pretty good reason to need a cigarette now and again. I mean only then could I understand a hunter smoking. I mean a deer would smell that and come running up in the direction of a hidden hunter all like...Can I bum a cigare...AAHHHH! So in conclusion chain smoking deer might be the only reason for camoflaged lighters.


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