Friday, May 14, 2004

Watch them Wheaties

At my job there are boxes of things such as napkins and paper towels.... stuff that requires caution when opening, to avoid hurting the product. Alot of cereal boxes have this. Anyways, as a warning sign there will usually be a little box cutter, (a very small device containing a razor blade to enable stockers to open boxes easily), with a giant X over it...similar to that of a no-smoking sign. Well, recently one of my managers pointed out something amusing...instead of a small box cutter with a X through it there was this huge freaking knife...I mean crocodile Dundee would have been proud to carry this thing. We all started laughing immediately. I don't know how other people run stores, but at the store I work at, No one uses a machete to get into a box of cereal...we only use the machetes on the really annoying mean to crush boxes...uh...yeah...that's what I mean...yup.


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