Friday, May 14, 2004

No ma'am it's in aisle 14

I think old senile people are some of the most amusing things on earth, now before you start labeling me as a mean person let me explain. In my experiences some old people just need a reason to be pissed off...anything will's cloudy...pissed off.... someone says have a nice day instead of thanks for shopping here...pissed off... One of my personal favorites is the old people in a grocery store now this next thing has happened to me more then once. Once being a stocker, as you all probably know, I was asked where things were alot in the store. Now several older individuals have asked me where the bread is...and I'll be damned if every time they ask they're as far away from the bread as humanly possible. So while answering their question in aisle one I nicely explain it is aisle fourteen...the very last aisle. Now's where the fun begins, the old person always gets pissed because the bread is sooo far away, and then they usually mutter something about how we keep on moving it. I mean for the love of god, we don't move it for at least four years it's been where it is now. I mean it's not like we secretly switch aisle around just to piss people off...although that would be fun. Then other times people will question my knowledge of where stuff is at in the store. I mean they'll tell me something's not where I say it is...let me tell you there is no greater satisfaction then when you lead them right to whatever they were looking for and politely say they must have missed it when the whole time it was right in front of their noses. About nine out of ten times the customer will act like they don't need it after all and then as I start to walk away I can see them quickly grab it suspiciously and meander off. O.k. I think I'm done now


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