Friday, May 14, 2004

Mall walkers

What the hell is up with mall walkers, I mean come on now it's ok to exercise, but christ these people walk like somebody is chasing them with a machete, I mean for the love of god, do they realize that not everyone in the mall is their to burn fat, I mean one time I almost literally got run over by a large mall walker, I mean I guess I can understand, I mean momentum and all, once something gets going that fast�.which is large, it's like a train, you hit the brakes but it ain't gonna be a dead stop. I was walking towards an exit and all of a sudden i heard those step....or stomps as the case may be, anyways, I'm like o.k. no biggie somebody walking...keep in mind the mall is not crowded at this moment and this person has a good ten feet of clearance on both sides of me, however they feel it is imperative to walk on the identical path as me. Maybe they need lanes in the mall...I mean it's somewhat of a high ceiling I say we put a freaking catwalk about ten feet high and let all the dangerous mall walkers go crazy, and leave us poor shoppers alone. I was so scared. Oh well.


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